Tutorial-1: Setup your work environment for bioinformatics

Course Layout

Tutorial-1: Setup your work environment for bioinformatics

11m 1s

Tutorial-2: Conda to Install bioinformatics tools

10m 54s

Tutorial-3: Create and manage conda environment

7m 37s

Tutorial-4: SRA-toolkit: Download NGS data from SRA database

7m 9s

Tutorial 5: FASTQC for checking quality of fastq files

6m 29s

Tutorial 6: Trimmomatic for adapter and base trimming

8m 19s

Tutorial 7: SeqKit for FASTA or FASTQ file manipulation

5m 53s

Tutorial-8: Short-read alignment (Part-1) - BWA

10m 47s

Tutorial-9: Short-read alignment (Part-2) - whole pipeline, mark duplicates and flagstat

13m 18s

Tutorial-10: Short-read alignment (Part-3) - IGV visualization

8m 32s

🖥️ Bioinformatics and Genomics Tutorials 📄Please find out the codes on my website: https://rashedul-bioinformatics.com/ 📚 Step-by-step demonstrations of tools and methodologies for bioinformatics and genomics research. The tutorials are organized into clear and progressive modules. 📺In this bioinformatics tutorial We’ll guide you through setting up a powerful and efficient work environment for bioinformatics analysis. You’ll learn how to configure your terminal, set up your .bashrc file, and install essential tools to streamline your bioinformatics workflows. Key Topics Covered: 🖥️ Introduction to the terminal and basic commands ⚙️ Customizing your .bashrc file for bioinformatics ⏩ Adding aliases, and environment variables to speed up your workflow 🛠️ Installing bioinformatics tools 📁 Tips for organizing your work environment for large-scale data analysis Whether you're new to bioinformatics or looking to enhance your skills in genomics and bioinformatics, these genomics tutorials will provide all the essentials you need. Don't forget to check out my other tutorials to build your bioinformatics skills! #bioinformatics #genomics #tutorial #dnaanalysis #coding #programming #R #bash #python #dataanalysis #sequence #genomiclibrary #ngs #rna #dna #visualization #datainterpretation #tools #lecture